I'm a social and moral philosopher. I am currently a Fellow-in-Residence at Harvard's Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Ethics. In 2025, I will start as an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg.​ I did my doctoral work in MIT's department of Linguistics and Philosophy, and my BA and MA at Stanford.
My research focuses on the distinctive normative significance of our social roles. I'm interested in what social roles require of those who occupy them and how those requirements interact with morality, responsibility, and social change. You can read more about my research here.
I have worked to expand the philosophical community through diversity initiatives and ethics education. I co-directed PIKSI (Philosophy in an Inclusive Key) Boston for several years, and was an organizer for MIT's Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) chapter. I developed ethics units for computer science classes with Embedded EthiCS @ Harvard and engaged undergraduates in ethical and political questions raised by their careers as co-director of Experiential Ethics at MIT. You can learn more about my work teaching tech ethics here.
My CV is here.