Teaching Experience
Please reach out for my full teaching portfolio.
You can learn more about my work teaching tech ethics here.

Course development:
Experiential Ethics (with Sonia Maria Pavel, Sophie Gibert, and Marion Boulicault), MIT
As a Teaching Fellow:
Experiential Ethics, MIT
As a teaching assistant with MIT Philosophy:
Feminist Thought, Sally Haslanger
Guest lecture: "Care Economics"
Bioethics, Robin Scheffler and Haley Schilling
Guest lecture: "Feminist (Bio)Ethics of Care"
Minds and Machines, for E.J. Green
Guest lecture: "The Chinese Room"
Ethics, Tamar Schapiro
Philosophy of Religion, Jack Spencer
Guest lecture: "Religious Dissent"
Problems of Philosophy, for Caspar Hare
As a Graduate Teaching Fellow for Embedded EthiCS @ Harvard:
“Hardware Backdoors and Responsibility,” Computing Hardware, Vijay Reddi
“Designing Usable Programming Languages,” Programming Languages, Nada Amin
“Thinking Responsibly about AI Systems,” Artificial Intelligence, Ariel Procaccia
“Privacy and the Ethics of Client-Side Scanning,"Cryptography, Boaz Barak
“Ethics of Language Encoding,"Systems Programming and Machine Organization, Eddie Kohler
Invited guest lectures:
“Responsible Career Choices,” Being, Thinking, and Doing: Ethics in Your Life, MIT. (2022, 2023, 2024)
“The Ethics of Care,” Introduction to Moral Philosophy, Barry Maguire, Stanford
Pedagogical training:
Kaufmann Teaching Certificate Program, MIT Teaching & Learning Lab